What is TrichoScan®?

Quantitative methods for the analysis of human hair growth and hair loss are necessary for patient follow-ups or to determine the efficacy of hair growth promoting drugs. While reviewing the capabilities of the different methods, the common theme emerges that most techniques are of little practical use to the clinician because they are time consuming, costly, or difficult to perform. An operator- and patient-friendly, inexpensive, validated, and reliable method for assessing hair growth was therefore a rational need.  With TrichoScan® such a tool is now available.

Abb. 1: Trichoscan<sup>®</sup> SpezialkameraTrichoScan® is a software-based method for the analysis of human hair. For this purpose, digital images are taken from the scalp with a specially developed camera-optics system. TrichoScan® software is then used to automatically calculate important parameters of hair growth, such as hair density or thickness from the images. 


In order to satisfy the needs of different TrichoScan® users we have developed three versions of our tool:

TrichoScan® Smart: For hair transplant surgeons, pharmacists, and many others.

TrichoScan® Professional: For daily use in dermatological practice.

TrichoScan® Research: For clinical trials and research.


Similarities, differences, and capabilities of these different versions are explained in Systems.

Abb. 2: Auswertung der Aufnahme am Computer

Example of a TrichoScan® Image